

Just wanted to loop back here and give an update.


For reference, [1] (blue means successful action, red means failed action) is the result we got when booting 5000 instances in rally [2] before the Red Hat OVN devs poked around inside our environment, and [3] is the result after.  The differences are obviously pretty significant.  I think the biggest change was setting metadata_workers = 2 in neutron_ovn_metadata_agent.ini on the compute nodes per  We have 64C/128T on all compute nodes, so the default neutron calculation of scaling metadata workers based on available cores created 900+ connections to the southbound db at idle; after the control plane got loaded up it just quit around 2500 instances (my guess is it hit the open file limit, although I don’t think increasing it would have made it better for much longer since the number of connections were increasing exponentially).  Capping the number of metadata workers decreased open southbound connections by 90%.  Even more telling was that rally was able to successfully clean up after itself after we made that change, whereas previously it wasn’t even able to successfully tear down any of the instances that were made, indicating that the control plane was completely toast.


Note that the choppiness towards the end of [3] had nothing to do with OVN – our compute nodes had a loadavg approaching 1000 at that point, so they were just starved for cpu cycles.  This would have scaled even better with additional compute nodes.


The other piece was RAFT.  Currently, RDO is shipping with ovs 2.12, but 2.13 has a bunch of RAFT fixes in it that improve stability and knock out some bugs.  We were having issues with chassis registration on 2.12, but after using the 2.13 package from cbs, all those issues went away.


Big thanks to the great people at Red Hat on the cc line for volunteering their valuable time to take a look.


I’m now significantly more comfortable with defaulting to OVN as the backend of choice as the performance delta is now gone.  That said, should the community consider dropping linuxbridge as the backend in the official upstream docs and jump straight to OVN rather than ml2/OVS?  I think that would increase the test base and help shine light on other issues as time goes on.  My org can devote some time to doing this work if the community agrees that it’s the right action to take.


Hope that’s helpful!






Chris Apsey



From: Apsey, Christopher
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 11:33 AM
To: Assaf Muller <>
Cc:; Lucas Alvares Gomes Martins <>; Jakub Libosvar <>; Daniel Alvarez Sanchez <>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: [neutron][ovn] OVN Performance




We can absolutely support engineering poking around in our environment (and possibly an even larger one at my previous employer that was experiencing similar issues during testing).  We can take this offline so we don’t spam the mailing list.


Just let me know how to proceed,




Chris Apsey



From: Assaf Muller <>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 11:18 AM
To: Apsey, Christopher <>
Cc:; Lucas Alvares Gomes Martins <>; Jakub Libosvar <>; Daniel Alvarez Sanchez <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [neutron][ovn] OVN Performance


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The most efficient way about this is to give one or more of the
Engineers working on OpenStack OVN upstream (I've added a few to this
thread) temporary access to an environment that can reproduce issues
you're seeing, we could then document the issues and work towards
solutions. If that's not possible, if you could provide reproducer
scripts, or alternatively sharpen the reproduction method, we'll take
a look. What you've described is not something that's 'acceptable',
OVN should definitely not scale worse than Neutron with the Linux
Bridge agent. It's possible that the particular issues you ran in to
is something that we've already seen internally at Red Hat, or with
our customers, and we're already working on fixes in future versions
of OVN - I can't tell you until you elaborate on the details of the
issues you're seeing. In any case, the upstream community is committed
to improving OVN scale and fixing scale issues as they pop up.
Coincidentally, Red Hat scale engineers just published an article [1]
about work they've done to scale RH-OSP 16.1 (== OpenStack Train on
CentOS 8, with OVN 2.13 and TripleO) to 700 compute nodes.


On Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 10:44 AM Apsey, Christopher <> wrote:
> All,
> I know that OVN is going to become the default neutron backend at some point and displace linuxbridge as the default configuration option in the docs, but we have noticed a pretty significant performance disparity between OVN and linuxbridge on identical hardware over the past year or so in a few different environments[1]. I know that example is unscientific, but similar results have been borne out in many different scenarios from what we have observed. There are three main problems from what we see:
> 1. OVN does not handle large concurrent requests as well as linuxbridge. Additionally, linuxbridge concurrent capacity grows (not linearly, but grows nonetheless) by adding additional neutron API endpoints and RPC agents. OVN does not really horizontally scale by adding additional API endpoints, from what we have observed.
> 2. OVN gets significantly slower as load on the system grows. We have observed a soft cap of about 2000-2500 instances in a given deployment before ovn-backed neutron stops responding altogether to nova requests (even for booting a single instance). We have observed linuxbridge get to 5000+ instances before it starts to struggle on the same hardware (and we think that linuxbridge can go further with improved provider network design in that particular case).
> 3. Once the southbound database process hits 100% CPU usage on the leader in the ovn cluster, it’s game over (probably causes 1+2)
> It's entirely possible that we just don’t understand OVN well enough to tune it [2][3][4], but then the question becomes how do we get that tuning knowledge into the docs so people don’t scratch their heads when their cool new OVN deployment scales 40% as well as their ancient linuxbridge-based one?
> If it is ‘known’ that OVN has some scaling challenges, is there a plan to fix it, and what is the best way to contribute to doing so?
> We have observed similar results on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 and CentOS 7/8 on Stein, Train, and Ussuri.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> Chris Apsey