Thanks for the workaround! The first tag-release jobs started to pass, so it works. The Red Flag for approving patches is now officially removed :) The release management team started to approve release patches. Thanks again, Előd irc:elodilles @ #openstack-release On 2022. 01. 25. 22:02, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
On 2022-01-25 15:40:21 +0000 (+0000), Jeremy Stanley wrote: [...]
The actual error appears after that, indicating the signed tag push was rejected for insufficient permissions. We suspect this may be a regression in Gerrit 3.4 (to which we upgraded in yesterday's maintenance) and are testing a couple of potential workarounds while preparing to raise it with the Gerrit developers.
We'll keep everyone posted. We've merged a workaround so people won't be blocked:
It's okay to resume approving automated release requests. If anyone is pushing tags directly to Gerrit for some reason, please be very careful to make sure they're signed until we can get the situation properly solved.