On 2019-03-07 14:55:01 +0000 (+0000), Jeremy Stanley wrote:
We've committed to testing[*] on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) by the Stein release, but it's nearly upon us and we still have quite a few jobs, particularly Python 2.7 unit tests for most projects, running on older Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) images instead. I propose that next Wednesday, March 13, we update the default node type in our Zuul job configurations from ubuntu-xenial to ubuntu-bionic for master branches of our projects. [...]
As a quick follow-up, this change[1] is still scheduled for tomorrow. Here are couple of possible pain points for which you'll want to prepare: Any jobs which ultimately descend from the openstack-tox job definition[2] get a variant[3] on stable branches for ocata through rocky which forces use of the old ubuntu-xenial nodeset. If you have a job which needs to use ubuntu-xenial on stable branches and it doesn't descend from openstack-tox (or devstack, or legacy-base where similar branch filters are being applied) then you will need to create a similar variant of it or one of its parents to do the same. Further, any jobs which descend from one of the shared "py35" job definitions in the openstack-zuul-jobs repository have been patched[4] to force them to run on ubuntu-xenial even when triggered for a change on the master branch of a project. If you have a job which relies on Python 3.5 (or any other versioned tool which is no longer provided in Bionic) you will want to implement a similar nodeset modification for it or in one of its parents, or consider reparenting it on one of the shared "py35" definitions already provided in openstack-zuul-jobs. For those who are interested in checking this in advance, I've prepared a do-not-merge stack of job changes which descend from a clone of our base job with tomorrow's default node change already applied so that I could confirm the various nodeset pins and branch filters are working as intended. You can create a DNM change in your project with "Depends-On: https://review.openstack.org/642536" in a commit message footer and see what results Zuul reports. Note that this will only really provide useful results for jobs parented from the unittests[5] definition in the zuul-jobs repository (but that covers a vast majority of the unknown job set so is a good place to start). If you're trying this, remember to make unobtrusive changes to enough different kinds of files in your DNM change to overcome any possible file filters on some of the jobs you run. Also it may be a good idea to try it on a stable branch (if you have any) in addition to master just to make sure node selection is working correctly for your jobs there. I prepared a couple of tests against openstack/nova[6][7] which you can see for an example. [1] https://review.openstack.org/641897 [2] http://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/job/openstack-tox [3] https://opendev.org/openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs/commit/a53afda [4] https://opendev.org/openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs/commit/8507565 [5] https://review.openstack.org/642536 [6] https://review.openstack.org/642580 [7] https://review.openstack.org/642582 -- Jeremy Stanley