We updated the ansible venv that we use to run Openstack commands, to use the 5.5.1 client, and that fixed this particular problem, but 5.5.1 has a different issue. When I run "openstack port list --project <project>" I get a blank list. Other clients such as 5.6.0 return the correct list. When I run the debug, I see that the initial responses are the same. First the client requests "api-ext.de6.ourdomain.com:5000/v3/projects/DEV-abraden" and gets a 404. Then it requests "api-ext.de6.ourdomain.com:5000/v3/projects?name=DEV-abraden" and gets the project ID. The problem occurs in the next step, where it uses the project ID to get the list of ports. In 5.6.0, the request to the "ports" API references "tenant_id" and it gets a response, and then prints that response. In 5.5.1 the request references "project_id" and it gets the exact same response, but doesn't print the response.

We had trouble with 6.6.0 because --locked didn't work there, and now we see an issue with 5.5.1. Is 5.6.0 the sweet spot? Should we be using 5.6.0 with the Wallaby API or will that cause trouble somewhere else? In the release notes I see that 5.6.0 is the Xena version.
On Friday, October 11, 2024 at 05:51:27 PM EDT, Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> wrote:

On 2024-10-11 20:30:37 +0000 (+0000), Albert Braden wrote:
>  That was the issue. If I use the 5.5.0 client the problem goes
>  away. Thanks for helping me find that!

For what it's worth, I think the OpenStackClient maintainers would
consider that a bug worth fixing. They generally want people to be
able to use newer client versions with older existing OpenStack
deployments, but it becomes increasingly hard to deploy older and
older vintages of OpenStack services for automated testing of new
changes in development, so sometimes regressions do slip in.
Jeremy Stanley