Let's decide on a topic and/or story to track it? eg lc_drop


On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 7:55 PM Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> wrote:
 ---- On Wed, 06 Jan 2021 12:33:42 -0600 Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> wrote ----
 > On 2021-01-06 19:22:48 +0100 (+0100), Spyros Trigazis wrote:
 > > Should it also be dropped from stable branches?
 > > eg in magnum, it blocks the gate for stable/victoria atm.
 > [...]
 > If it's broken, I'd say you have three choices:
 > 1. fix the job on those branches
 > 2. drop the job from those branches
 > 3. EOL those branches
 > It's a bit soon to be considering #3 for stable/victoria, so you're
 > really left with options #1 and #2 there.

I will suggest dropping the job as it can end up spending the same amount of
effort to fix the job on stable or master. If we keep fixing on stable then
we can fix on the master and backport so it is better to drop from all gates
including the stable branch.


 > --
 > Jeremy Stanley