So, I happened to also get the call for items that Kendall did, and I'm going to include a more in-depth bit of detail from their original email to help scope what they are looking for and what their goal is.

I would honestly think of this sort of the same way we approach outreachy, however these students often already have some background or experience, and the goal here is to widen their horizons. In the past, Ironic has had some submissions, and we did have some outreach which occurred where they asked questions to try and understand our submission.  I think in most of those cases, the students went in a different direction with another OpenStack community project, but overall building connections is just as important as building software in our community, and I encourage projects to work with Kendall if they have ideas or items which could be beneficial to the students and possibly the community.


--- Start of Boston University's write-up.

Those of you who have participated before can probably skip to the second part of this email; for those of you who haven’t: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing is a senior/graduate-level class that includes a semester-long capstone-like project, with the projects being proposed and supervised by an industry mentor. The projects are completed in teams of 5-7 students, who are expected to spend 5-8 hours per week on the project over the 13-week term, with presentations to the class every two weeks to evaluate their progress. Although some of the students’ time will be spent learning new technologies, in prior years many teams have achieved significant results, ranging from nice-to-have tools to (typically open-source) product enhancements.


We are looking for project proposals for next semester, of a size appropriate for a team of 5-7 students. The goals of these projects are to:

Projects are typically (but not always) open source, and students will share significant details of concept and design with instructors and the class as part of the evaluation process.


Students will rank their choice of project and will be assigned to projects based on preference and a skills survey. As a result, you should expect a team which is motivated, has some (hopefully all) of the skills you have requested, and represents a cross-section of class ability.


The students will have substantial course-based experience; many of the students will have co-op or prior employment experience, but if so it may have been as part of a large organization where others specified architecture and design. As a mentor your goal will be to help translate their academic knowledge and prior experience to help them elicit requirements and then design and build a real artifact to solve a real problem.


Mentors are critical to project success. We will need mentors with the technical expertise to help guide the students - you should have the skills (if not the time) that would be needed to complete the project, and be able to answer technical questions the students ask. (even if the appropriate response is often to show them where to look for the answer) The typical time commitment is about 2 hours/week, although often this can be shared between a technical and non-technical mentor. Meeting times are outside of class hours and are negotiated with students, and will be done remotely via Zoom etc. 

--- End

On Tue, Aug 8, 2023 at 12:27 PM Alvaro Soto <> wrote:
Hi Kendal,
Can I get the lecture list so I can understand all the things this project needs to include?


On Tue, Aug 8, 2023 at 1:15 PM Kendall Nelson <> wrote:
Hello Everyone! 

As some of you might know, we have had a working relationship with Boston University once a year where students actively participate in our OpenInfra project communities. The semester in which the Fundamentals of Cloud Computing (the course where we collaborate with them)( is approaching. September 5 is when the course begins and it runs until December 21. The course  is a senior/graduate-level class that includes a semester-long capstone-like project, with the projects being proposed and supervised by an industry mentor. The projects are completed in teams of 5-7 students, who are expected to spend 5-8 hours per week on the project over the 13-week term, with presentations to the class every two weeks to evaluate their progress.

So! If you know of a project you would like to propose, please let me know ASAP! The professor would like to have the finalized list of projects to offer students by the first week in September. 

Let me know if you have any other questions! 

-Kendall Nelson


Alvaro Soto 

Note: My work hours may not be your work hours. Please do not feel the need to respond during a time that is not convenient for you.
Great people talk about ideas,
ordinary people talk about things,
small people talk... about other people.