---- On Sat, 23 May 2020 10:36:08 -0500 prakash RAMCHANDRAN <pramchan@yahoo.com> wrote ----
Already, Please note Ghanshtam Maan had submitted a patch for Cinder v2 deprication and removal and we have merged it for Cinder under https://review.opendev.org/#/c/728564/2/next.json
PTLs or core reviewers or anyone with API expertise can review that for reference like above for compute & storage based on test failures available in refstack for 2020.06 However this message is for community to work on main trunk as required by governance. https://review.opendev.org/gitweb?p=openstack/interop.git;a=blob;f=2020.06.j...
Hi Prakash, For, compute guidelines, most of the new capabilities are done with API change( or new API) with microversion. As you know, interop does not have the API version based capabilities yet so I will say to continue with the current compute guidelines. and continue the discussion on adding the microversion capabilities. We have most of the microversion test covered in Tempest but I am sure it's not 100% as per the scope of Tempest. But adding the interop required tests will not take much time. -gmann
We will have patches coming week. ThanksPrakash
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 11:38 AM, Arkady.Kanevsky@dell.com<Arkady.Kanevsky@dell.com> wrote: Prakash, Why not submit a patch for of guidelines for compute, storage, and openstack for review? It will show the diffs against previous version. Thanks,
From: prakash RAMCHANDRAN <pramchan@yahoo.com> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2020 12:56 PM To: openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org Subject: [all][interop] Please suggest capabilities to deprecate-remove and add to the OpenStack Powered Programs
Please help the Interop WG to review and finalize the draft version for the next interop guidelines.
Link for the DNS add-on: https://review.opendev.org/gitweb?p=openstack/interop.git;a=blob;f=add-ons/d...
Link for the Heat add-on: https://review.opendev.org/gitweb?p=openstack/interop.git;a=blob;f=add-ons/o...
This guidelines is intended to cover "Stein" , "Train", "Ussuri" and "Victoria" releases of OpenStack.
We request that PTLs or Core team members please confirm any updates you may want to include or exclude in link above.
The Projects currently covered under OpenStack Powered Programs include "Keystone", "Glance", "Nova", "Neutron", "Cinder", "Swift" and add-on programs "Designate", "Heat".
A more human-readable view of the capabilities can be found in RefStack: https://refstack.openstack.org/#/guidelines
We would like have feedback by next Interop call on Friday. - Can attend 10 AM PDT call refer etherpad - https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/interop
If you have any additional topics to discuss at PTG please add them to https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/interop_virtual_ptg_planning_june_2020
The conference Bridge will be assigned once we know the number of participants. Please add your names/topics to ether pad interop ptg planning.
Optionally reply to this email with your inputs/patches.
Please Register to attend the Interop WG slot scheduled for Virtual PTG on June 1 6-8 AM PDT / 9-11 AM EST / 14-16 UTC / 9-11 PM BJT https://www.openstack.org/ptg/
Thanks for Interop WG Chair - Prakash Ramchandran Vice Chair - Mark Voelker