Thanks Boris.

Do we still use DriverLog for marketplace driver status updates?




From: Boris Renski <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2019 11:11 AM
To:; Ilya Shakhat; Herman Narkaytis; David Stoltenberg
Subject: [openstack-dev] [stackalytics] Stackalytics Facelift





Happy New Year! We wanted to start the year by giving a facelift to (based on stackalytics openstack project). Brief summary of updates: 

  • We have new look and feel at 
  • We did away with DriverLog and Member Directory, which were not very actively used or maintained. Those are still available via direct links, but not in the men on the top
  • BIGGEST CHANGE: You can now track some of the CNCF and Unaffiliated project commits via a separate subsection accessible at the top nav. Before this was all bunched up in Project Type -> Complimentary

Happy to hear comments or feedback or answer questions. 

