Hello Everyone :) 

Quick summaries of what we talked about during the sessions in Denver. If you have any questions about anything below feel free to reply or drop into #storyboard and ask us there!

Forum (Ibuprofen for Your StoryBoard Pain Points)

The Forum session went really well. We had a pretty full room and lots of engagement from basically everyone. There were no real surprises about anything people were having issues with or new features they needed added that we didn't already know about. It was nice that we weren't blindsided by anything and seem to have a pretty good feel on the pulse of what people (that have spoke up at least) are asking for. 

The most entertaining part was that it had never occurred to us to do StoryBoard onboarding (both for howto use it and another for how to get started on developing for Storyboard) but also might be a really helpful thing for us to do at the next event. We talked about trying to fit it in before the end of the week, but our schedules were just too full to make it happen.

I'm still working through making sure everything that needs to becomes a story in our backlog, but that should be done by the end of the week. 


During the PTG, Adam and I basically just sat down and did a full run through of all open stories. We closed duplicates, cleaned up old vague stories, replied to stories that we had questions about. It was all very cathartic. 

Next step is to make sure all the new stories got created that we need to and do another pass through to make sure its all tagged accurately. After that, we should document what tags we are using in our contributor documentation. 

Etherpad we used during the purge: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/sb-train-ptg

-Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo)