2 Apr
2 Apr
5:32 a.m.
On Tue, Apr 02, 2019 at 06:37:48AM +0000, Manuel Sopena Ballesteros wrote:
Thank you for your prompt response. I can see this in the nova.conf file:
[libvirt] ... virt_type = kvm ...
Can I assume qemu is using virtualization through kvm?
If `virt_type = kvm` is set, then yes, your instance should be using KVM. You can confirm it in a couple of ways: - Check that your Nova instance's QEMU process has this in its QEMU command-line: "-machine accel=kvm". (`ps -ef | grep qemu`, and look for the relevant process.) - SSH into your instance, run `systemd-detect-virt` (or `virt-what` if you have it). It should report 'kvm', if KVM is really being used. [...] -- /kashyap