A new test was recently added to tempest [1] which uses the volume API v3 client to list and show versions and compare those against the response schema. It's failing against stable/pike changes [2] presumably because the volume v3 API does not show the (deprecated) v1 API, though I'm a bit confused because the test is doing a GET / and then for each version in the response it's doing a GET /{version}/ so I'm not sure what's up with cinder's pike API version interface where it would list a version but not be able to show it. Anyway, it sounds like this is another case where we're going to have to pin tempest to a tag in devstack on stable/pike to continue running tempest jobs against stable/pike changes, similar to what recently happened with stable/ocata [3]. [1] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/680790/ [2] https://145b0d5be77f0cbe05ff-d67a6226f6eb6d34ab4efd951744a16f.ssl.cf5.rackcd... [3] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/681950/ -- Thanks, Matt