Hi Ignazio,


I  tested a process that converted iptables_hybrid to openvswitch in-place, but not without a hard reboot of the VM and some massaging of the existing bridges/veths. Since you are live-migrating, though, you might be able to get around that.


Regardless, to make this work, I had to update the port’s vif_details in the Neutron DB and set ‘ovs_hybrid_plug’ to false. Something like this:


> use neutron;

> update ml2_port_bindings set vif_details='{"port_filter": true, "bridge_name": "br-int", "datapath_type": "system", "ovs_hybrid_plug": false}' where port_id='3d88982a-6b39-4f7e-8772-69367c442939' limit 1;


So, perhaps making that change prior to moving the VM back to the other compute node will do the trick.


Good luck!




From: Ignazio Cassano <ignaziocassano@gmail.com>
Date: Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 6:41 AM
To: openstack-discuss <openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org>
Subject: [qeeens][neutron] migrating from iptables_hybrid to openvswitch


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Hello All, I am facing some problems migrating from iptables_hybrid frirewall to openvswitch firewall on centos 7 queens,

I am doing this because I want enable security groups logs which require openvswitch firewall.

I would like to migrate without restarting my instances.

I startded moving all instances from compute node 1.

Then I configured openvswitch firewall on compute node 1,

Instances migrated from compute node 2 to compute node 1 without problems.

Once the compute node 2 was empty, I migrated it to openvswitch.

But now instances does not migrate from node 1 to node 2 because it requires the presence of qbr bridge on node 2


This happened because migrating instances from node2 with iptables_hybrid to compute node 1 with openvswitch, does not put the tap under br-int as requested by  openvswich firewall, but qbr is still present on compute node 1.

Once I enabled openvswitch on compute node 2, migration from compute node 1 fails because it exprects qbr on compute node 2 .

So I think I should moving on the fly tap interfaces from qbr to br-int on compute node 1 before migrating to compute node 2 but it is a huge work on a lot of instances.


Any workaround, please ?

