On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 4:56 PM Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> wrote:
 ---- On Fri, 15 Jan 2021 03:07:12 -0600 Herve Beraud <hberaud@redhat.com> wrote ----
 > Dear QA team,
 > The release team noticed an inconsistency between the QA team's deliverables described in the governance’s reference and deliverables defined in the openstack/releases repo (c.f our related meeting topic [1]).
 > Indeed, openstack-tempest-skiplist (added Mar 20, 2020) was never released yet, was not ready yet for ussuri and victoria. maybe we should abandon this instead of waiting?
 > Notice that Wallaby's milestone 2 is next week so maybe it could be a good time to update this.
 > Let us know your thoughts, we are waiting for your replies.
 > Thanks for reading,

Thanks hberaud for brining it,

I did not know about this repo until it was discussed in yesterday's release meeting.

As per the governance project.yaml 'openstack-tempest-skiplist' is under the TripleO project, not QA [1] (tagging tripleo in sub).

This repo is to maintain the test skiplist so not sure if it needed release but marios or Chandan can decide.

[1] https://github.com/openstack/governance/blob/2bdd9cff00fb40b2f95b66cad47ae1cfd14a2f1b/reference/projects.yaml#L3069


Thank you Herve and Ghanshyam (and thanks Chandan for pointing me to this thread!)

apologies for the late response but I initially missed this. 

I just discussed a bit with Arx (adding him into cc) - he agrees this isn't something we will want or need to make releases for. It is used by CI tooling and not to do with TripleO deploying OpenStack.

The repo itself is branchless so if we *want* to make releases for it then we can consider adding a release file under deliverables/_independent in the releases repo.

However since we don't then I think we should just mark it so in governance? I posted that just now there https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/771488
@Herve is that correct?

regards, marios


 > [1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-release/%23openstack-release.2021-01-14.log.html#t2021-01-14T17:05:23
 > --
 > Hervé BeraudSenior Software Engineer at Red Hatirc: hberaudhttps://github.com/4383/https://twitter.com/4383hberaud
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