On 4/12/21 12:52 AM, 野村和正 / NOMURA,KAZUMASA wrote:
Hi everyone,
Hitachi has developed the out-of-tree driver as Cinder driver. But we want to deprecate the out-of-tree driver and support only the in-tree driver.
We need to submit about ten more patches(*1) for full features which the out-of-tree driver has such as Consistency Group and Volume Replication.
In that case, we have two options:
1. Submit two or three patches at once. In other words, submit two or three patches to Xena, then submit another two or three patches after previous patches were merged, and so on. This may give reviewers the feeling of endless.
2. Submit all patches at once to Xena. This will give reviewers the information how many patches remains from the beginning, but many pathes may bother them.
Does anyone have an opinion as to which option is better?
My opinion is that option #1 is better, because as the initial patches are reviewed, issues will come up in review that you will be able to apply proactively to later patches on your own without reviewers having to bring them up, which will result in a better experience for all concerned. Also, we can have an idea of how many patches to expect (without your filing them all at once) if you file blueprints in Launchpad for each feature. Please name them 'hitachi-consistency-group-support', 'hitachi-volume-replication', etc., so it's easy to see what driver they're for. The blueprint doesn't need much detail; it's primarily for tracking purposes. You can see some examples here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/wallaby cheers, brian
Kazumasa Nomura
E-mail: kazumasa.nomura.rx@hitachi.com <mailto:kazumasa.nomura.rx@hitachi.com>