Hello everyone,

The April 20nd session needed to be rescheduled to April 23rd at the same time.
Feel free to include any topic that is desired to be discussed at the Kuryr etherpad[1].


[1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/xena-ptg-kuryr

On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 3:40 PM Maysa De Macedo Souza <mdemaced@redhat.com> wrote:

Two sessions were scheduled for Kuryr on the upcoming PTG:
- 7-8 UTC on April 20
- 2-3 UTC on April 22

Everyone is more than welcome to join the sessions and check our future plans, give feedback or discuss anything regarding Kuryr.

Even though participation is free registration is needed[1].

Maysa Macedo.

[1] https://april2021-ptg.eventbrite.com