On 2019-09-09 23:35:37 +0530 (+0530), Premdeep S wrote: [...]
We have a requirement to setup Openstack in an isolated infra. We will not be provided with Internet. How can we set it up?
1. Can we have a local repository (Rocky, Universal, etc)created? If so how do we manage it?
2. We have noticed lot of package dependencies while setting up Openstack Infra, so will creating a local repository help in an implementation when we do not have an internet. What is the success rate?
I know Debian provides complete installation image sets for CD, DVD and Blu-ray you can use offline, and these incorporate all packages in their archive (including OpenStack): https://www.debian.org/releases/buster/debian-installer/ In your follow-up E-mail you mentioned Ubuntu specifically... I don't know whether they maintain similar installation media images, but if they do that may be a good solution. -- Jeremy Stanley