On Sat, Feb 4, 2023 at 7:26 PM Gage Hugo <gagehugo@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey folks,
With the next election approaching, I want to announce that I will not be running for PTL this upcoming cycle.
I've served as PTL for the last 3 years (6 cycles!?) now and I believe it's time for a change that can only be introduced by new leadership. I believe the OpenStack-Helm project is currently in good standing, but it will be healthy for the project to have someone with a fresh perspective step in.
The current project team has been excellent and I believe whoever steps up will have plenty of support from the OpenStack-Helm community. I still plan on being around when I can so I can provide help whenever it's needed.
Thanks for all your leadership over the years. :)
Thanks everyone, it's been great! Gage
-- Mohammed Naser VEXXHOST, Inc.