Hi Matthias,

Thank you so much for taking your time to answer my questions! Your comments have made things clearer to me.

About this:

> I would create an evaluator for aodh, similar to the prometheus evaluator[3] for alarming based on events.

Taking a deeper look into the Aodh documentation, I found that Aodh already supports Alarms based on Ceilometer events [1] following the spec [2]. Is this similar to the Event Alarm evaluator you were talking about? If so, fortunately, it seems already implemented [3].

[1] https://docs.openstack.org/aodh/latest/contributor/event-alarm.html
[2] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/telemetry-specs/+/172893
[3] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/event-alarm-evaluator

Best regards,
Alex Figueirędo.

From: Matthias Runge <mrunge@matthias-runge.de>
Sent: Saturday, November 9, 2024 2:20 PM
To: Fernandes Figueiredo, Alex <Alex.FernandesFigueiredo@windriver.com>
Cc: openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org <openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org>; Cervi, Thales Elero <ThalesElero.Cervi@windriver.com>; Waines, Greg <Greg.Waines@windriver.com>
Subject: Re: [telemetry] Event Pipeline Config and Use Cases
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Hi there,

The ceilometer api has been deprecated if I remember for the kilo release. Ceilometer has been split into 4 components:
- aodh for alarming
- ceilometer for collecting and publishing metrics and events
- gnocchi as metrics store
- panko as events store.

Gnocchi has been moved to independence (I could not find the corresponding blog post for more background). Moving it out of OpenStack may be seen as unfortunate, since it did not attract more developers but also created issues with testing.
Panko did not scale, it was very slow.

If you do not specify a receiver in the events pipeline, events will not be forwarded. What you could (and probably should) do if you rely on events is to create/update an events publisher that can publish to an http endpoint to store events e.g in Loki [2] and use its alarming mechanism. There are a couple of caveats though. If I had enough time, I would create an evaluator for aodh, similar to the prometheus evaluator[3] for alarming based on events. There may be a smarter way and would need a bit of investigation.
You could also specify gnocchi as events store; that being said, it would create metrics with only one sample; not certain how smart that is.

Hope that helps,

[2] https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/
[3] https://github.com/openstack/aodh/commit/f932265290a4e923eac6111eb28578489c7dce33

> Am 07.11.2024 um 15:43 schrieb Fernandes Figueiredo, Alex <Alex.FernandesFigueiredo@windriver.com>:
> Hello Openstack Telemetry Team,
> I'm currently working on re-enabling the Openstack Telemetry services for the StarlingX Openstack (STX-O) project. Openstack telemetry was integrated into STX-O long time ago, but it has been disabled for the past few years. Since the last time telemetry was used by STX-O, it seems that important updates happened, including:
>     • Ceilometer API deprecation
>     • Ceilometer Collector deprecation
>     • Panko (event storage) deprecation
> My questions are mainly related to the last one (Panko deprecation):
>     • Since Panko is deprecated and there is no actual replacement for event storage [1], is there any other possible telemetry use case to justify keeping the event pipeline enabled and generating data?
>         • Are there any aodh alarming mechanisms that relies on events generated by Ceilometer event pipelines? If so, which "sinks.publishers" should be used to ensure the integration between the Ceilometer event pipeline and the aodh alarm service?
>     • If event pipeline is enabled, what are the publishers currently supported for events?
>         • The current event pipeline configuration (event_pipeline.yaml) in STX-O defines the "sinks.publishers" as "gnocchi://". However, based on Ceilometer doc, it looks like Gnocchi only supports samples/meters, it doesn't support events. Is my interpretation of the documentation correct or does Gnocchi support events and can be really used as a publisher for the event pipeline?
> [1] OpenInfra summit Vancouver 23 - Openstack Observability revamped
> Thank you in advance for any possible help!
> I'm looking forward to getting Openstack telemetry up and running on StarlingX Openstack.
> Best regards,
> Alex Figueirędo.