Welcome back from the holiday lull! Development Focus ----------------- Teams should be focused on completing milestone 2 activities by January 10 and checking overall progress for the development cycle. General Information ------------------- The Stein membership freeze coincides with the Stein-2 milestone on the 10th. While doing an audit of all officially governed team repos, there are quite a few that have not had an official release done yet. If your team has added any repos for deliverables you would like to have included in the Stein coordinated release, please add at least an empty template deliverable file for now so we can help track those. We understand some may not be quite ready for a full release yet, but if you have something minimally viable to get released it would be good to do a 0.x release to exercise the release tooling for your deliverables. Another reminder about the changes this cycle with library deliverables that follow the cycle-with-milestones release model. As announced, we will be automatically proposing releases for these libraries at milestone 2 if there have been any functional changes since the last release to help ensure those changes are picked up by consumers with plenty of time to identify and correct issues. More detail can be found in the original mailing list post describing the changes: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-October/135689.html Any other cycle-with-intermediary deliverables that have not requested a release by January 10 will be switched to the cycle-with-rc model as discussed previously: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2018-December/000465.... Upcoming Deadlines & Dates -------------------------- Stein-2 Milestone: January 10 -- Sean McGinnis (smcginnis)