
tl;dr: if you have an open API change asking for a microversion, add it into the proposal list BEFORE TOMORROW AUG 2ND https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-zed-microversions-plan

For those who write API changes, they probably hit merge conflicts everytime we merge a new API microversion. FWIW, we recently merged 2.91 and 2.92, which means you now have to rebase at least with using a 2.93 version.
That's why I'm proposing something new this cycle that may help you :

IF YOU HAVE AN OPEN API CHANGE THAT'S JUST NEEDS TO BE REVIEWED, PLEASE ADD IT TO https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-zed-microversions-plan BEFORE AUGUST 2ND 1600UTC.

During the next Nova meeting, we'll look at all of the provided API changes in the etherpad, and we'll try to organize them by saying "ok, this one will have this API microversion, this other one that other API microversion".
After this meeting, you should be able to know which API microversion you would have for Zed so you could then rebase your changes to use this one.

That being said, please make sure to be able to rebase your change very quickly, because we don't want to wait for some API change before accepting another one that's important and which is ready to be merged.
