On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 5:24 PM Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> wrote:
 ---- On Mon, 04 May 2020 03:03:22 -0500 Luigi Toscano <ltoscano@redhat.com> wrote ----
 > On Monday, 4 May 2020 09:26:12 CEST Carlos Goncalves wrote:
 > > Hey Ghanshyam,
 > >
 > > This is pretty good news! Congratulations to the whole team!
 > >
 > > I posted a patch to migrate the Octavia grenade job to native Zuul v3 [1].
 > > It was really easy and simple to do it, so thanks again.
 > >
 > > One question. The job runs Tempest some tests (Nova, Neutron, ...) right
 > > after Grenade. From an Octavia perspective, it is not something we really
 > > don't care about but rather would prefer running (a subset of) Octavia
 > > tests or none. Is this possible?
 > Yes, you can definitely check the subset of tests.
 > That behavior is driven by the same variable as in devstack-tempest jobs,
 > which is tempest_test_regex.
 > You can check an example here:
 > https://review.opendev.org/#/c/638390/41/.zuul.yaml

There are two run of Tempest in grenade job:
1. smoke test run on old node before upgrade. Those are just to verify the installation and optional to run.
You can disable those by BASE_RUN_SMOKE=False in your job. I will say if that takes time then disable it like
we discussed for Ironic case.

2. upgrade tests. These tests run after the upgrade. The default set of test run are smoke tests (tempest + installed plugins) and
can be overridden by tox_envlist and tempest_test_regex (example shown by tosky ) the same way devstack job does.

Luigi helped me out on #openstack-qa earlier today and reviewed https://review.opendev.org/#/c/725098/ -- thanks!


 > >
 > > In patch set 6 [2], I tried to disable Tempest completely. I did so by
 > > disabling "tempest" in devstack_services and set ENABLE_TEMPEST=False in
 > > the Grenade plugin settings file. Yet, Tempest tests still ran. Looking at
 > > the grenade job definition, it includes the tempest role -- is this
 > > correct? I would expect Tempest to run only if ENABLE_TEMPEST=True.
 > That variable only contronls the smoke tests executed post-upgrade (currently
 > disabled), not the job-specific tempest tests. I realized now I have a long
 > standing note to fix that, but it's not critical anyway in order to implement
 > your requirement.
 > Please remember to use the "native-zuulv3-migration" topic for those kind of
 > changes (they are part of the more general "removal of legacy jobs" goal for
 > Victoria).
 > Ciao
 > --
 > Luigi