Hi, after exploring openstack via tripleo deployment, I encountered several issues especially during overcloud deployment. Most of the time I'm referring to openstack official web guideline and some other blogs resources. From my experiences I face problems identifying the right templates and the right command for my deployment. I have seen templates created in guideline web and some other examples. Even the command line to deploy overcloud is also a bit different from one example to another. I understand it is because of different requirements and setup. So many templates and several ways of deployment always made me puzzle and endup with deployment failure. I would like some advice to know what are the common or important templates/yaml files and overcloud command to use if I just want to deploy 3 controllers (ha) and several computes only. I also have plan to get dpdk in my deployment but...this will be later as I would like to successfully establish simple deployment with controllers and computes for now. Appreciate your good advice and support. Thank you all.

This is some web link I use to refer:-
** https://docs.openstack.org/project-deploy-guide/tripleo-docs/latest/features/network_isolation.html
** https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openstack_platform/13/html/advanced_overcloud_customization/basic-network-isolation
** https://docs.openstack.org/project-deploy-guide/tripleo-docs/latest/
