@Mohammed Naser,
I dont use Image Caching feature and max number of clones 's DellEMC: 32. Do we have a solution for this?
As follow code from client.py, it just throws an exception.
The patch that Mohammed referenced does fix the "max 32 limit" for the image volume caching feature,
but I don't think it will help with your situation. The problem is the limitation is actually in the Powerstore
SAN itself, not in the cinder driver. The Powerstore SAN raises the error, and what you're seeing is the cinder
driver's response to hitting the error. The image volume cache can handle the error simply by creating
a fresh cache entry, but I don't think that helps with your use case.
Thanks, I'll check it out! :)
Might need to backport to Yoga, we backported to Zed back then.
Hello guys.
I am using Openstack Yoga and Dell Powerstore 5000T
When I create volume from a snapshot then I encounter this error
cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.powerstore.client [req-3384117a-0832-4983-96aa-fd701d68c8eb 6371ebfe0fce499983b1f07e7c34bf6d 4f6902ccd37f4e8f8a1a910641845866 - - -] REST Response:
422 with data {"messages":[{"code":"0xE0A040010003","severity":"Error","message_l10n":"The clone cannot be created because the max number of clones: 32, in a family has been reached.","arguments":["32"]}]}
ERROR cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.powerstore.client [req-3384117a-0832-4983-96aa-fd701d68c8eb 6371ebfe0fce499983b1f07e7c34bf6d 4f6902ccd37f4e8f8a1a910641845866 - - -] Failed to
create clone volume-cc1fdd0b-8dd7-41a2-b63e-1f
Do we have any guide about this? Or how we can increase the max number of clones?