Hi Herve, Thanks for sharing your thoughts this way. It's a long message that probably took you a long time to write, I do appreciate the effort. On 11/30/23 16:11, Herve Beraud wrote:
Finally our last option is to see downstream distros maintainers fixing eventlet by patching it manually
No, this isn't an option. We maintain already too many dirty patches for Eventlet, I don't have enough skills and time to understand all the dirty hacks of this ugly lib, etc. I can take the Fedora patch and use it, for the moment, but that's not a solution in the long run.
As Julia previously noticed we are now close to the end of the year, so our activity will decrease during the next few weeks. That could be an opportunity to let time to see what's happening in the eventlet original repo and then decide early in 2024 between the previous options as well as the intent to investigate and put in place a better longer term solution.
That ship has sailed already... can we please move on to a more sustainable solution?
Also, depending on the outcome of the previous options, we could decide to delay the adoption of the python 3.12 runtimes.
This also mean completely ignoring downstream distros (including, but not limited to: Debian, Ubuntu...).
In other words, we could decide to ignore Python 3.12 during our next series (D).
D is probably what's going to end up in Trixie (aka: Debian 13). That's not an option for Debian at least, and probably not a viable option for Ubuntu either...
* Are there intermediate steps we can take as we plan and begin executing on a long term plan?
IMO, considering the gevent maintenance activity, the gevent solution could lead us in a near future to a similar situation that the current one faced with eventlet. I think we need to prioritize a more perennial solution and the stdlib asyncio one is a solution with battery included and more close to the python mantras and philosophy.
To finish, as this topic seems to be sized to be delivered over multiple upstream releases, I'd imagine that py3.12 would be at some point supported by the coming versions of the downstream distros
Debian is *already* transitioning to 3.12. I expect Ubuntu 24.04 to have 3.12 (only).
As I wrote previously I'm volunteering to champion this topic and now I'm gonna start to initiate a (WIP) goal proposal.
Thanks a lot. This kind of initiative is IMO much needed. Cheers, Thomas Goirand (zigo)