
i run into a issue where one of the Octavia LB amphora VMs was crashed and since the loadbalancer operating_status become PENDING_UPDATE (or ERROR) it is no longer possible to use the OpenStack CLI tools to manage the LB:

openstack loadbalancer amphora list --loadbalancer 0ce30f0e-1d75-486c-a09f-79125abf44b8
| id                                   | loadbalancer_id                      | status    | role   | lb_network_ip | ha_ip       |
| daee2f88-01fd-4ffa-b80d-15c63771d99d | 0ce30f0e-1d75-486c-a09f-79125abf44b8 | ERROR     | BACKUP | | |
| f22186b1-2865-4f4a-aae2-7f869b7aae12 | 0ce30f0e-1d75-486c-a09f-79125abf44b8 | ALLOCATED | MASTER |  | |

openstack loadbalancer show 0ce30f0e-1d75-486c-a09f-79125abf44b8
| Field               | Value                                |
| admin_state_up      | True                                 |
| created_at          | 2019-05-19T09:48:12                  |
| description         |                                      |
| flavor              |                                      |
| id                  | 0ce30f0e-1d75-486c-a09f-79125abf44b8 |
| listeners           | 12745a48-7277-405f-98da-e7b9fbaf93cc |
| name                | foo-lb1                      |
| operating_status    | ONLINE                               |
| pools               | 482985f9-2804-4960-bd93-6bbb798b57f7 |
| project_id          | 76e81458c81f6e2xebbbfc81f6bb76e008d |
| provider            | amphora                              |
| provisioning_status | PENDING_UPDATE                       |
| updated_at          | 2019-06-25T16:58:33                  |
| vip_address         |                          |
| vip_network_id      | 8cc0f284-613c-40a7-ac72-c83ffdc26a93 |
| vip_port_id         | f598aac4-4bd0-472b-9b9c-e4e305cb561b |
| vip_qos_policy_id   | None                                 |
| vip_subnet_id       | e1478576-23b0-40e8-b4f2-5b284f2b23c4 |

I was able to fix this by update the load_balancer state to 'ACTIVE' directly in the Octavia Database and trigger a failover:

MySQL [octavia]> update load_balancer set provisioning_status = 'ACTIVE' where id = '0ce30f0e-1d75-486c-a09f-79125abf44b8';

openstack loadbalancer failover 0ce30f0e-1d75-486c-a09f-79125abf44b8

But this seams to by more a workaround the a proper way to
restart / repair the loadbalancer without a interfare in the OpenStack DB manually.

Is there a another way accomplish this with the CLI?

