Hi Desire,

I'm the co-mentor for the "Extend automated validation of API" project. Good to know you have interest in the project.
You can contact Sofia or me on IRC in the #openstack-cinder channel if you have any doubts/queries regarding the
onboarding process. If you're not on IRC, then that would be my first recommendation to configure IRC, connect to
OFTC network and join the #openstack-cinder channel, you can find Cinder team members and other outreachy
applicants also there.
IRC nicks:
Rajat: whoami-rajat
Sofia: enriquetaso

Rajat Dhasmana

On Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 12:22 PM Desire Barine <desirebarine16@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello  Sofia Enriquez,

I'm Desire Barine, an Outreachy applicant. I would love to work on Extend automated validation of API reference request/response samples project. I would like to get started with the contribution.
I am currently going over the instructions on contributions given. This is my first time contributing on an open source project but I'm really excited to get started.
I'm proficient in python, bash and have worked on Rest api creation before. I would love to hear from you.
