Quick recap: The documentation team is set to disband as an official project, and make the leap to becoming a SIG (Special Interest Group).
The remaining individuals working on the docs team are sorting through what's left and where it is best placed. In [1], Doug has rightfully pointed out that whilst the documentation team as it stands today is no longer "integral", the docs.openstack.org web site is. An owner is required.
Unless things have changed, SIGs can be owners of a resource published via docs.openstack.org (and I am assuming that means be extension, docs.o.o itself). Is there a reason the Docs SIG would not still be able to own the site?
The suggestion is for the Release Management team is the "least worst" (thanks, tonyb) place for the website manaagement to land. As Tony points out, this requires learning new tools and processes but the individuals working on the docs team currently have no intention to leave, and are around to help manage this from the SIG.
I'm personally fine with the release team taking this on, but it does seem like an odd fit. I think it would make a lot more sense for the Docs SIG to own the docs site than the release team.
Open to discussion and suggestions, but to summarise the proposal here:
docs.openstack.org ownership is to transition to be the responsibility of the Release Management team officially provided there are no strong objections.
Alex IRC: asettle
[1] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/657142/ [2] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/657141/