Hi Malik, I would like to know which openstack release is used. On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 4:41 PM Malik Obaid <malikobaidadil@gmail.com> wrote:
I am creating nova instance with cinder backed iscsi storage. I have created multiple storage types. But my launched instance from image use storage type __DEFAULT__ for flavor's root volume.
Is the instance launched via horizon or CLI and if CLI which command is used?
I have changed default_volume_type to mystoragetype in cinder.conf but instances root volume still goes in __DEFAULT__ storage type.
This should not happen since default_volume_type has a higher preference than the __DEFAULT__ type
However new volume creation in mystoragetype is successful.
Need help, how can I set instance root volume storage type during its deployment ?
My guess is that the image used has ``*cinder_img_volume_type*`` property set to __DEFAULT__ else there is no way cinder prefers __DEFAULT__ type over any other in this case. Also if you're using victoria release and no volume is using the __DEFAULT__ type then you can delete it as well.
Malik Obaid