Hi! I am trying to set up Openstack with Kayobe and right now I’m very stuck at VLAN configuration with LACP bonds on my two network nodes. Last Friday the network even came to a hold when activating Openvswitch because it started a broadcast storm or something in the whole company even though I have 2 VLANs just for this project. So I am trying to do it like this: #bond configuration dummy_net_interface: bond0 dummy_net_bootproto: static dummy_net_bond_slaves: - eno12399np0 - eno12409np1 dummy_net_bond_mode: 802.3ad dummy_net_bond_miimon: 100 dummy_net_bond_lacp_rate: fast #configure mgmt interface mgmt_net_interface: brmgmt mgmt_net_bridge_ports: - bond0 #external net work interface and bridge configuration #ext_net_bridge_ports: ext_net_interface: "brbond{{ ext_net_vlan }}" ext_net_bridge_ports: - "bond0.{{ ext_net_vlan }}" Part of my networks.yml … external_net_names: - ext_net … ext_net_cidr: ext_net_no_ip: true ext_net_vlan: 705 Last time this worked, when I ran a “kayobe overcloud host configure” (the node had network connection) but then “kayobe overcloud service deploy” killed the network when it started the Openvswitch. Now (today) this configuration doesn’t even allow to reach the network/(to be)neutron nodes (they lose network connection) when the playbook restarts system-networkd. It already creates OVS PHY bridges and lots of stuff even though I ran “overcloud service destroy” before that. Should it do that at this stage? Are there any examples to set up a network node with bonds and vlans and external neutron networks out there? Any suggestions? Thank you 😊 Kind regards Stefan ________________________________ BearingPoint GmbH Sitz: Wien Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien Firmenbuchnummer: FN 175524z The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, retention, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient, please reply to or forward a copy of this message to the sender and delete the message, any attachments, and any copies thereof from your system.