Hi, you can ssh into the instance via the other interface and check whether the management port had got the ip address.  if you can't ssh into the instances, you can try to login into the instance via web console. thanks.

wodel youchi <wodel.youchi@gmail.com> 于2022年11月2日周三 01:37写道:

The creation of the Trove instance fails, from my debugging I found this :
- The db instance is not responding on its trove interface.
- The controller (trove-management) can't reach it.

I have a vlan network dedicated to the Trove instances, I have created a simple VM on that network and used the same security group used by the db instance. The simple VM responds to ping and ssh connections, the Trove instance does not.
I added another interface to the db instance in another network, and the instance pings and responds to ssh connections on it!!! still I don't know how to access the db instance via ssh.

I don't understand.
