Hi Sean,

Thanks for your reply.
I was expecting the same answer as I also read the github link you sent.
I may need to try older versions of openstack in that case.


On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 4:27 PM Sean Mooney <smooney@redhat.com> wrote:
On Thu, 2021-08-26 at 15:31 +0530, Hrishikesh Karanjikar wrote:
> Hi,
> Does Openstack latest release support ONOS?
the short answer is no
technially upstream has never supported it because it was a big tent projec that was
never an offical deliverable of the netwroking team.
https://github.com/openstack-archive/networking-onos has been retired
as has https://opendev.org/openstack/networking-onos. the last release seams to have been from train but
even then im not sure that it was still active.
it looks like the onos projecct move the openstack install info under teh obsolete paages
so it does not look like the intend to support openstack anymore.



Hrishikesh Karanjikar