As more and more teams decide about moving their Queens branches to End of
Life, it looks like the time has come to transition the complete Queens
stable release for every project.
The reasons behind this are the following things:
- gates are mostly broken
- minimal number of bugfix backports are pushed to these branches
- gate job definitions are still using the old, legacy zuul syntax
- gate jobs are based on Ubuntu Xenial, which is also beyond its public
maintenance window date and hard to maintain
- lack of reviews / reviewers on this branch
Based on the above, if no objection comes from teams, then I'll start
the process of EOL'ing Queens stable series.
Please let the community know what you think, or indicate if any of the
projects' stable/queens branch should be kept open in Extended Maintenance.
Előd Illés
irc: elodilles @ #openstack-stable / #openstack-release