On 4/8/19 6:16 PM, Chris Dent wrote:
From the etherpad [1]
* blazar * cinder * cyborg * ironic * neutron
Who else?
This is a bit of a catch-many topic. Despite being birthed in Nova, Placement is designed to be useful to lots of different services.
There's already some time defined at the PTG to talk about the interaction of Ironic, Blazar, and Placement.
What are the issues with that?
From ironic perspective there is no issue, but there is a critical question to decide: when Ironic+Placement is used, which of them acts as the final authority? If Ironic, then we need to teach Placement to talk to its Allocation API when allocating a bare metal node. If Placement, then we need to support Allocation API talking to Placement. I suspect the latter is saner, but I'd like to hear more opinions. In both cases we'll need something that syncs nodes from Ironic to Placement when there is no Compute to do it.
What are the issues other services are experiencing with Placement? Preventing people from using Placement?
What services are using Placement and the team doesn't know about it?