Hello, I'm sending this to remind you of the fact that Python 3.8 support will no longer be part of the tested python versions for 2024.2 . Based on the plan, I'll drop Python 3.8 support from all oslo libraries and update the minimum python version from 3.8 to 3.9, in the final release of oslo deliverables. Please make sure that none of the master jobs are dependent on Python 3.8 . We faced some problems when we first attempted to remove python 3.8 support early and the removal was eventually reverted because of remaining usage of Focal and remaining lifecycle of Python 3.8. However now Python 3.8 is actually reaching its EOL, we may no longer attempt the same revert. https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/runtimes/2024.2.html Thank you, Takashi Kajinami -- Takashi Kajinami irc: tkajinam github: https://github.com/kajinamit launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~kajinamit