5 Jun
5 Jun
1:20 a.m.
On 2019-06-04 18:07:27 -0400 (-0400), Paul Belanger wrote: [...]
Testing was done, you can see that in https://review.opendev.org/513506/. However the issue was, at the time, projects that were using tools/tox_install.sh would break (I have no idea is that is still the case).
For humans interested, https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zuulv3-remove-zuul-cloner was the etherpad to capture this work.
Aha! I missed the breadcrumbs which led to those, though I'll admit to only having performed a cursory grep through the relevant repo histories.
Eventually I ended up abandoning the patch, because I wasn't able to keep pushing on it. [...]
Happy to start pushing that boulder uphill again, and thanks for paving the way the first time! -- Jeremy Stanley