Please find below the agenda for tomorrow's Technical Committee meeting (May 2nd at 1800UTC on Zoom) * Roll call * Follow up on past action items • noonedeadpunk to propose a patch to reference that makes the recommendation for downstream packagers to use the version name rather than codename. • noonedeadpunk write the words for "The Smith Plan(tm)" (the script of the movie about changing PTI and saving the world from the dangers of getting rid of py38) • gmann send an email on ML asking project/release team to hold dropping the py38 until we get the pti change merged * Gate health check * 2023.2 cycle Leaderless projects ** * Broken docs due to inconsistent release naming * Schedule of removing support for Python versions by libraries - how it should align with coordinated releases (tooz case) * Recurring tasks check ** Bare 'recheck' state *** * Open Reviews **
On May 1, 2023, at 12:49 PM, Nikolla, Kristi <> wrote:
Hi all,
This is a reminder that the next weekly Technical Committee meeting is to be held tomorrow (May 2) at 1800 UTC on Zoom.
Items can be proposed by editing the wiki page at
At the end of today I will send out an email with the finalized agenda.
Thank you, Kristi Nikolla