OpenStack Community Weekly Newsletter (Feb 27 - Mar 6)
OpenStack User Groups get a new home It’s easy to stay in touch with OpenStack birds-of-a-feather wherever you are, from India to Italy, with the new OpenStack User Groups portal. Even with events all over the globe, it's super simple to stay current — join a group, and you’ll be notified of new events when they're created. The facets of the OpenStack integrated release Thierry Carrez looks into the various meanings the "integrated release" ended up having in our history, and see how we can better convey that information through separate tags. DefCore Process 9 Point Graphic balances Community, Vendor, Goverance Rob Hirschfeld has been working on the OpenStack DefCore process for nearly 3 years and he recognizes that the number #1 challenge of the effort remains how to explain it simply. The DefCore team has nevertheless managed to boil it down into nine key points. The Road to Vancouver * Sign up for OpenStack Upstream Training in Vancouver * Superuser Awards Nominations Now Open * Vancouver Summit Sponsorships Now Available * Canada Visa Information * Official Hotel Room Blocks * Next batch of invites to Kilo contributors will be sent after a new milestone is released Relevant Conversations * OpenStack options for visually impaired contributors * creating a unified developer reference manual * Call for mentors - Upstream Training, Outreachy (former OPW) * An alternative view of OpenStack, or how to encourage innovation by getting out of the way * Gerrit tooling improvements * [nova] blueprint about multiple workers supported in nova-scheduler * Magnum - OpenStack Containers Service * Microversions. And why do we need API extensions for new API functionality? Deadlines and Development Priorities * [cinder] Kilo Deadlines need to have a CI by end of K-3, March 19th 2015 * [nova] List of all Feature Freeze Exception requests * [cinder] Proposals for Liberty Summit * Outcome of the nova FFE meeting for Kilo Security Advisories and Notices * [OSSN 0044] Older versions of noVNC allow session theft Tips ‘n Tricks * By Adam Young: Keystone Federation via mod_lookup_identity redux and Convince Nova to Use the V3 version of the API * By Boris Pavlovic: Rally as an OpenStack performance dashboard * By Nir Yechiel: SR-IOV Networking – Part I: Understanding the Basics * By Ben Nemec: IPMI Controller for OpenStack Instances * By John Eckersberg: Improving HA Failures with TCP Timeouts * By Swapnil Kulkarni: Rally in a Containter : A reference implementation similar to TCup Upcoming Events The 2015 events plan is now available on the Global Events Calendar wiki. * Mar 11 - 12, 2015 Cloud Expo Europe London, GB * Mar 11, 2015 Philadelphia OpenStack Meetup Philadelphia, PA, US * Mar 12, 2015 OpenStack NYC Meetup New York, NY, US * Mar 12, 2015 Ceph Day San Francisco San Francisco, California, US * Mar 17, 2015 OpenStack Munich Meetup Munich, Bavaria, DE * Mar 26, 2015 PDX OpenStack Hackathon Portland, OR, US * Mar 26, 2015 #CloudBeerStockholm Stockholm, SE * Mar 31, 2015 Ceph Day Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands, NL * Apr 01, 2015 OpenStack Meetup DFW Frisco, Texas, US * Apr 08 - 16, 2015 PyCon 2015 Montreal, Quebec, CA * Apr 13 - 14, 2015 OpenStack Live Santa Clara, CA, US * Apr 15, 2015 iX OpenStack Tag Köln, NRW, DE * Apr 21 - 22, 2015 CONNECT 2015 Melbourne, Victoria, AU * Apr 22 - 23, 2015 China SDNNFV Conference Beijing, CN * Apr 22, 2015 OpenStack NYC Meetup New York, NY, US * Apr 23, 2015 OpenStack Philadelphia Meetup Philadelphia, PA, US * May 05 - 07, 2015 CeBIT AU 2015 Sydney, NSW, AU * May 18 - 22, 2015 OpenStack Summit May 2015 Vancouver, BC * Jun 11, 2015 OpenStack DACH Day 2015 Berlin, DE * Jul 20 - 24, 2015 OSCON 2015 Portland, OR, US * Aug 10 - 13, 2015 Gartner Catalyst Conference San Diego, CA, US * Sep 17, 2015 OpenStack Benelux Conference 2015 Bussum, NL * Oct 04 - 08, 2015 Gartner SymposiumITxpo Orlando, FL, US * Nov 15 - 20, 2015 Supercomputing 15 Austin, TX, US Other News * Why OpenStack’s drive for inclusivity matters * python-glanceclient release 0.16.1 Got Answers? Ask OpenStack is the go-to destination for OpenStack users. Interesting questions waiting for answers: * How neutron calculates new routing path * Ceilometer filter by user_id (or username) The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please leave a comment.
participants (1)
Stefano Maffulli