Highlights of the week

OpenStack Foundation Board – 2012 Election Candidates

See the current list of nominees for the OpenStack Foundation 2012 Board Member Elections who have received at least one nomination. A candidate must receive at least 10 nominations to appear on the ballot. Any active member of the OpenStack Foundation can support a nominee or nominate a new candidate http://www.openstack.org/community/openstack-foundation-board-2012-election-candidates/. A candidate must receive at least 10 nominations to appear on the ballot and must be a member of the Foundation.

The final day to nominate a candidate is Monday August 6, 2012.

Rostyslav Slipetskyy’s Thesis on OpenStack security

This is a pretty awesome bit of work done by a researcher in Denmark. I enjoyed reading it and I highly recommend it as day 1 reading for Infosec professionals and researchers getting into OpenStack. Slides and you can download the full thesis (PDF).

API Stability Statement

It is critical to the success of OpenStack that operators be willing to upgrade to new OpenStack releases. All OpenStack APIs use a versioning scheme that is completely independent from the named releases (Essex, Folsom, etc.). One obstacle to upgrading to a new OpenStack release is if there are incompatible API changes that could cause user applications to stop working. Operators want great new features and APIs to be the only aspect of the upgrade process visible to their users. Old API versions should continue to work. More on http://wiki.openstack.org/Governance/Approved/APIStability

OpenStack PPB defined “Supporting Project”

There is a new category of OpenStack projects in addition to Core, Incubated, Library and Gating projects: “Supporting projects”. The initial list of projects in this category is available on the wiki, with more details: http://wiki.openstack.org/Governance/Accepted/SupportingProjectDefinition.

OpenStack Security Primer

Matt Joyce introduction to security and OpenStack. He’s maintaining the blog http://secstack.org, now available also on http://planet.openstack.org.

Tips and tricks

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Stats from traffic on docs.openstack.org

Statistics taken from the traffic on docs.openstack.org, from January 1st 2012 to July 31st.

Country/Territory visits to docs.openstack.org from Jan 1 2012 to July 31 2012

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