Highlights of the week

The future of Incubation and Core

Incubation is currently an OpenStack project status that grants a promising project more access to OpenStack shared resources, especially in the CI, release management and QA space. The level of maturity reached by OpenStack requires revising the concept of ‘Core project’ and the incubation process. Join the discussion and help the Technical Committee form an opinion for the Foundation’s Board.

OpenStack Keystone plans for the Grizzly release

Joe Heck published the plans for Keystone over the Grizzly release cycle. To read after going through the state of the project slides.

OpenStack Image Service – Grizzly Planning

The primary objective of Glance is to publish a catalog of virtual machine images. Rather than own users’ image data, Glance simply tracks where that data resides. Glance owns the metadata provided by users. Brian Waldon summarizes the plans for Glance over the Grizzly release cycle.

FOSDEM 2013: Cloud Devroom – Call for Participation

The organizers of the Cloud devroom at FOSDEM 2012 invite you to submit a session proposal. The purpose of this devroom is to serve as a meeting point for cloud infrastructure projects, including a unique opportunity for discussion and collaboration between developers from different projects. This devroom will be focused on open source cloud infrastructure projects.

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