Join The OpenStack FoundationThe OpenStack community has worked hard since the announcement of intention to establish an OpenStack Foundation in October 2011. We’ve come to the point where Individual Members can join and begin making important contributions like nominating board members: (It’s free!) OpenStack Foundation Board – 2012 Election CandidatesSee the current list of nominees for the OpenStack Foundation 2012 Board Member Elections who have received at least one nomination. A candidate must receive at least 10 nominations to appear on the ballot. Any active member of the OpenStack Foundation can support a nominee at the links below or nominate a new candidate by emailing (the acting secretary is Jonathan Bryce). A candidate must receive at least 10 nominations to appear on the ballot. The final day to nominate a candidate is August 6, 2012. Creating a development cycle that is more user friendlyFollowing recent discussions about increasing the involvement of users in the development of OpenStack, a new thread started. Your opinion is appreciated. A review of the 1st London OpenStack MeetupThe report by Daniel P. Berrangé about a fabulous night, with views across London via the open air roof terrace, watered with pizza & drinks and warm weather in London. Daniel’s talk is available also as podcast on Cloud Evangelist blog. Weekly Hyper-V meeting on Freenode/#openstack-hyper-vAnyone interested in bringing back support for Hyper-V in Nova is invited to join the new OpenStack-Hyper-V team. Tips and tricks
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