Highlights of the week Full steam towards the OpenStack Summit Fall 2012 <http://www.openstack.org/summit/san-diego-2012/> Whether you want to build the software, run it, grow the community or just learn more about it, there will be content, workshops and design sessions for you to attend at the OpenStack Summit, Oct 15-18 in San Diego. Registration still open <http://openstacksummitfall2012.eventbrite.com/>, and the agenda (almost) complete <http://openstacksummitfall2012.sched.org/>. Stick around Friday for the first OpenStack service day, a 1/2 day beach cleanup <https://openstack-beach-cleanup.eventbrite.com/>. Contributing OpenStack Support to jclouds <http://blog.phymata.com/2012/10/03/contributing-openstack-support-to-jclouds/> jclouds <http://www.jclouds.org/> is a popular cross-cloud toolkit that covers an impressive number of public and private cloud providers. There are lots of advantages for both projects to help each other. Read the article Everett Toews <http://blog.phymata.com/> wrote to get started contributing OpenStack support to jclouds. Tracking OpenStack adoption / Discussion at Summit <http://markmail.org/message/5gplkacmj5ydz2f3> One of the objectives of the OpenStack Foundation is to "Make OpenStack the ubiquitous cloud operating system". In order to reach that objective the Foundation needs to understand more about the usage of the OpenStack software. OpenStack distributions are requested to participate in this conversation at the OpenStack Design Summit <http://summit.openstack.org/cfp/details/64>. Providing a Unified View of OpenStack Projects <http://www.openstack.org/blog/2012/09/providing-a-unified-view-of-openstack-projects/> Want to find answers to questions like: who's contributing to that particular feature of OpenStack? What is that developer working on? How many work hours/lines of code went into adding that feature/blueprint? What are users saying about OpenStack? Watch the recordings of the webinar <http://youtu.be/IFHFkwABEzc> and provide feedback answering the four simple questions in the survey <https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/78JXGLC>. Don't miss the talk on Wednesday, October 17 in San Diego <http://openstacksummitfall2012.sched.org/event/a5194145c6d2667d3e9d83a5d012bf83?iframe=no&w=700&sidebar=no&bg=no>. Security Advisory * CVE-2012-4456 : Some actions in Keystone admin API do not validate token <http://secstack.org/2012/10/cve-2012-4456-some-actions-in-keystone-admin-api-do-not-validate-token/> * CVE-2012-4457 : Token authorization for a user in a disabled tenant is allowed <http://secstack.org/2012/10/cve-2012-4457-token-authorization-for-a-user-in-a-disabled-tenant-is-allowed/> Tips and tricks * By SwiftStack Team <http://swiftstack.com/>: (Un)Official Party Guide for the OpenStack Summit in San Diego 2012 <http://swiftstack.com/blog/2012/10/04/parties-at-the-openstack-summit/> * By Mate Lakat <http://blogs.citrix.com/>: Convert a raw image to XenServer -- VHD <http://blogs.citrix.com/2012/10/04/convert-a-raw-image-to-xenserver-vhd/> * By Ryan Lane <http://ryandlane.com/blog>: Extending a flatdhcp network the hard way <http://ryandlane.com/blog/2012/10/03/extending-a-flatdhcp-network-the-hard-way/> Upcoming Events * Help needed to organize the OpenStack devroom for *FOSDEM* 2013 <http://markmail.org/message/7ridfk4vgilz7slj> * OpenStack Summit <http://openstack.org/> Oct 15 -- 18, 2012 -- San Diego, CA * Swiss OpenStack user group meeting <http://www.meetup.com/zhgeeks/events/82917082/> Nov 15, 2012 -- Zürich, CH Other news * OpenStack China Tour #2 Shenzhen <http://www.openstack.org/blog/2012/09/openstack-china-tour-2-shenzhen/>Report from the second stop of OpenStack China Tour, Shenzhen <http://hui.csdn.net/MeetingInfo.aspx?mid=135> * Andrew Hutchings <http://www.linuxjedi.co.uk/search/label/openstack> gave a keynote to O'Reilly Velocity Europe titled: Openstack -- Coding at Scale Keynote <http://www.linuxjedi.co.uk/2012/10/openstack-coding-at-scale-keynote.html> * Ceilometer release status 2012-10-05 <http://markmail.org/message/xys4xmfe3pn5c3f5> * What's up doc? Oct 3 2012 <http://markmail.org/message/sxlh3gykzd3cy4ar> News from Doc Land, "where grammarians reign and roam" * Motion to validate Ceilometer's application as incubated project <http://markmail.org/message/jdjziekorrmfv4v3> * Happy Birthday Hastexo! One year in! <http://www.hastexo.com/blogs/florian/2012/10/04/one-year> * OpenStack Project Meeting 2012-10-02: Summary <http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/project/2012/project.2012-10-02-21.01.html> and full logs <http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/project/2012/project.2012-10-02-21.01.log.html> /The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please leave a comment./