Introducing Murano: Bringing Windows Environments to OpenStack

In response to growing demand for deploying and running Windows based applications on OpenStack cloud, the team at Mirantis started Murano: a native OpenStack component that enables fast provisioning and operation of Windows Environments on demand.

Who Wrote OpenStack Grizzly Docs?

Sneaking a peek at the numbers for documentation along with the code should show us pointers about docs keeping up with code. Anne Gentle dives into the documentation with data and insights.

“I” release cycle naming

The next OpenStack summit will happen in Hong Kong. That creates a pretty challenging naming problem, since there is no word starting with “i’ in classic transliteration of Chinese words. So the Technical Committee is willing to bend the rules a little to extend the range of candidates… Feel free to add suggestions to the list on the wiki.

Stacker Voices: Monty Taylor, HP

Cloudscaling Engineering talked with Monty Taylor of HP (reaching rockstar status also with a profile this week) at the OpenStack Summit in Portland. Monty leads the CI (continuous innovation) project for OpenStack. In that role, he and his group have built testing systems that have made it possible for the OpenStack project to scale from a few dozen contributors for the Bexar release to more than 700 developers now pushing hundreds of patches daily to OpenStack. Watch the video on YouTube.

A little tracing hack

Timothy Daly at Yahoo! added metrics and tracing for OpenStack and released tomograph: a tool to see what and how OpenStack is doing behind the curtains.

Contribute to OpenStack Activity Board

We’ve released the complete documentation for OpenStack Insights, with binaries and source code downloadable from Sourceforge while the OpenStack Dash tools are the vanilla MetricsGrimoire set hosted on github. The code is free as in freedom so you’re welcome to play with it.

How to run pylint with few false positives

Testing your python code can get complex and with pylint, you will see false positives, meaning it will complain some lines as bugs that are actually correct. lintstack is designed to address this problem: reduce false positives from pylint as much as possible without sacrificing accuracy. Yun Mao describes how lintstack works.

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OpenStack In The Wild

A new section of the weekly newsletter dedicated to users of OpenStack. If you want to showcase how OpenStack helps you (or you know somebody that uses OpenStack) please let us know: email, twitter, reddit or avian carrier will do). Meanwhile watch the keynotes from Portland Summit:

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