Defining OpenStack “Core”

Quite a lot of debates online and not around the DefCore initiative, triggered by a message by Thierry Carrez with comments from Mark McLoughlin, Nick Barcet, Troy Toman, Dan Wendlandt, Mark Collier, Tim Bell, Eric Windisch, Boris Renski, Pete Chadwik, Randy Bias, and others.

StoryBoard sprint in Brussels

StoryBoard is a project Thierry Carrez started a few months ago. Quite a few people in OpenStack have been running into a number of issues with Launchpad (inability to have blueprints spanning multiple code bases, inability to have flexible project group views, inability to use non-Launchpad OpenID for login…), and were investigating replacements. Tired of explaining why existing alternatives wouldn’t work for OpenStack task management, Thierry ended up writing a proof-of-concept to show a practical example. That proof-of-concept was sufficiently compelling that the Infrastructure team decided we should write our own tool.

The road to Juno Summit – Atlanta 2014

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