Register Now For The Summit in Hong Kong
在全体大 会中将提供英文至中文之即时翻译。 要得到更多信息, 请查阅注册信息页

Last batch of invites to the Hong Kong summit has been sent to Active Technical Contributors (ATCs). Check your inbox and spam folders if your code merged before September 25th.

Participate in the OpenStack User Survey by September 30!

A tale of 3 OpenStack clouds : 50,000 cores in production at CERN

Tim Bell in his blog post explains the different OpenStack environments at CERN and their distinct teams of evaluation and administration.

OpenStack Icehouse Incubation Roundup

The OpenStack Technical Committee met this week to consider the status of incubated projects for the upcoming Icehouse cycle. As a result, database provisioning (codename Trove)will be an official part of the Icehouse (2014.1) release, while message queues (Marconi) and bare-metal server provisioning (Ironic) will be in incubation with a view to becoming official in the as-yet-unnamed J (2014.2) release. MapReduce as a service (Savanna) will also be incubated.

How to Use Ask OpenStack

We’re continuously building together “The best place on the Internet to find answers to common OpenStack problems”: our Question&Answers site Ask OpenStack is such place and needs everybody’s help. Ask OpenStack is a collaborative effort, think of it like a wiki where pages are made only of questions and answers. Anybody with more than 100 karma points can fix a question or an answer and anybody can gain karma points by getting votes on answers and/or questions.

Introducing the NNFI scheduler for Zuul

We recently made a change to Zuul’s scheduling algorithm (how it determines which changes to combine together and run tests).  Now when a change fails tests (or has a merge conflict), Zuul will move it out of the series of changes that it is stacking together to be tested, but it will still keep that change’s position in the queue.  Jobs for changes behind it will be restarted without the failed change in their proposed repo states.  And if something later fails ahead of it, Zuul will once again put it back into the stream of changes it’s testing and give it another chance.

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