OpenStack Technical Committee Update (June 25)

The TC is busy discussing OpenStack Glance‘s mission, evolving from cataloging and serving Nova disk images to cataloging and serving other artifacts consumed by other OpenStack services, like for example Heat templates. This scope evolution has been under discussion at the last two meetings. Read the other things that keep the TC busy on OpenStack blog.

A Path Towards Contributing (via Commits) in Open Stack

Matt Fischer set himself a goal to contribute 12 patches to OpenStack during 2014: he reached the goal and shared how he did it.

On bug reporting…

Speaking of contributing, sending bug reports is a good way to contribute to OpenStack (together with doing code reviews). Kashyap Chamarthy has a very good guide on how to file a useful bug report.

Engage in technical discussions keeping in mind the OpenStack promise

There is a conversation about what is Cinder itself and what’s the role of its drivers. It’s a highly technical debate and a very important one, where I think this promise needs to be reminded: There will be no “Enterprise Edition”. John Griffith and Ken Hui have a lot of interesting things to say about this and I suggest you to read their posts and read the conversation on this proposed specification. Then we may want to have a wider conversation about Software Defined Storage (SDS) and Cinder.

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When your patch has passed half the tempest tests at the gate, and the other half is still running. With sound

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