============================================================================= Ironic node information including credentials exposed to unathenticated users ============================================================================= :Date: June 21, 2016 :CVE: CVE-2016-4985 Affects ~~~~~~~ - Ironic: >=2014.2, >=4.0.0 <=4.2.4, >=4.3.0 <=5.1.1 Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Devananda van der Veen (IBM) reported the following vulnerability in Ironic. A client with network access to the ironic-api service can bypass Keystone authentication and retrieve all information about any Node registered with Ironic, if they know (or are able to guess) the MAC address of a network card belonging to that Node, by sending a crafted POST request to the /v1/drivers/$DRIVER_NAME/vendor_passthru resource. The response will include the full Node details, including management passwords, even when /etc/ironic/policy.json is configured to hide passwords in API responses. This vulnerability has been verified in all currently supported branches (liberty, mitaka, master) and traced back to code introduced in commit 3e568fbbbcc5748035c1448a0bdb26306470797c during the Juno development cycle. Therefore, it is likely that both juno and kilo braches (and their releases) are also affected. Patches ~~~~~~~ https://review.openstack.org/332195 (Newton) https://review.openstack.org/332196 (Mitaka) https://review.openstack.org/332197 (Liberty) Credits ~~~~~~~ - Devananda van der Veen from IBM (CVE-2016-4985) References ~~~~~~~~~~ - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1572796 - http://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2016-4985 Notes ~~~~~ - This fix is included in the upcoming 4.2.5 (Liberty), 5.1.2 (Mitaka), and 6.0.0 (Newton) releases of Ironic. -- Jim Rollenhagen OpenStack Ironic Project Team Lead