Hello everyone, Voting is complete and the results are in: The following people are elected to one-year seats: * Monty Taylor * Russell Bryant * Anne Gentle * Mark McLoughlin * Doug Hellmann * Sean Dague The following people are elected to six-month seats: * James E. Blair * Michael Still * John Griffith * Mark McClain * Robert Collins They join Vish and myself (elected six months ago to one-year seats) to form the 13-member Technical Committee for the Icehouse cycle. Detailed results: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~andru/cgi-perl/civs/results.pl?id=E_5ef3f04b3c... More information about this election: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TC_Elections_Fall_2013 Congratulations to the new members, and thanks to everyone who participated. -- Thierry Carrez (ttx) Election official