Why you should be reviewing more OpenStack code

Icehouse 3 is upon us, and as someone that is on a bunch of core review teams, it means a steady drum beat of everyone asking how do they get core reviewers to review their code. Sean Dague explains quite well why you should be doing code reviews.

Trusted Cloud computing with Intel TXT: The challenge

In today’s connected environments, attacks on compute infrastructure are ubiquitous. Major players have been compromised by hackers and malware, with damages inflicted both to their reputation and their business. Protecting the infrastructure from external and internal threats is an important part of operating production grade cloud environments. Christian Huebner introduces how OpenStack integrates with TXT.

Our Cloud in Havana

Upgrading a nearly 50,000 core cloud from Grizzly to Havana can be done with a series of steps, each of which can have short periods of reduced functionality but with constant VM availability. Tim Bell tells us how CERN upgraded its OpenStack cloud.

Status of the OpenStack port to Python 3

Python 3 has been around for about 5 years, and we have excellent reasons to make sure OpenStack runs well on it. Unfortunately, this is not the case. In his article, Cyril Roelandt explains what works, what doesn’t, and what you can do to help.

OpenStack selected as mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2014

OpenStack has been selected to be a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2014. Thanks to the hard work of many contributors we could join GSoC for the first time.

The road to Juno Summit – Atlanta 2014

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