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Ambassador Program – Specifics

Following from the previous post, we’ve had a range of people express their support for the program and quite a number already looking for the application form! So, some more details about the Ambassador Program. Ambassadors will be recognised on the OpenStack website for their efforts, and provided with support from foundation staff to conduct their duties. They will also get access to a funding program – allowing them to request funds for activities of impact in their region. We’d also expect ambassadors to attend the summits, and the Foundation would likely assist if it wasn’t possible for them to be there using their own methods.

How Heat Orchestrates your OpenStack Resources

One of the great things about orchestration is that it automatically figures out the operations it needs to perform. So whenever you deploy (or modify) your infrastructure you need not write a script to do so; you simply describe the infrastructure you want and the orchestration engine does the rest. Zane Bitter describes how this works in Heat.

Autoscaling with Heat and Ceilometer

Like AWS CloudFormation, Heat allows to create auto scaling stacks. In order to do this, some metrics need to be retrieved from your VM and some actions need to be triggered when a specified event occurs on these metrics. These actions are usually upscaling (create some new VMs) or downscaling (destroy some Vms). Starting with the Havana version (currently trunk), Ceilometer can now trigger actions when something happens to these metrics by creating alarms. The Heat agent inside the VM is no more needed.

Taking OpenStack Core discussions to community

We’ve been building up to a broad discussion about the OpenStack Core and I’d like to invite everyone in the OpenStack community to participate (review latest). Alan Clark (Board Chairman) officially kicked off this open discussion with his post on the OpenStack blog last week.  And we’re trying to have face-to-face events for dialog like the Core meetup tonight in San Francisco.  Look for more to come! Of course, this will also be a topic at the summit. The Board needs to move this forward in the November meeting, so NOW is the time to review and give us input.

The OpenStack T-Shirt Design Contest Winner is…

Raul Chan’s design. Check it out on OpenStack's blog.

OpenStack in Production

OpenStack Swift & many small files

Spil Games has been running Swift for more than two years now, hosting over 400 million files with an average file size of about 50 KB per object. They have a replica count of three so there are1.2 billion files to be stored on the object servers. Generally speaking, Swift has turned out to be a solid object storage system. They however run into some performance issues and in a blog post they describe how they analyzed and solved them.

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