Alan Clark, Chairman of the Board, wrote about the effort to improve the existing open source incubation process for OpenStack. This is one of the most important processes kickstarted by the OpenStack Foundation whose objective is to help ensure that projects receive the focus, visibility and resources needed to be successful via a fair, equitable and open process.
Speaking of important processes, here is another one you should pay attention to: the OpenStack User Committee whose role is to represent the needs of the diverse range of OpenStack users. For those of you who would like to help define this committee, please look at the points to review document and post your thoughts to the OpenStack foundation mailing list.
The story of a conversion, that of John Bresnahan from being a strictly vi user, developing C code and debugging with gdb, to an avid user of pycharm. This is a story of lost productivity of a once Luddite converted to IDE and of how he got to appreciate remote debugging via pydevd.
While we wait for the final release of OpenStack Grizzly, here is a teaser of what’s coming up, with other updates from the OpenStack Technical Committee. Read it together with the Motion on Technical Committee membership for Spring 2013 session.
And ‘this’ is the Outreach Program for Women, coordinated by GNOME, with OpenStack as one of ten participating organizations: we’ve added a few more ladies to the OpenStack contributors starting line this month.
We are seeking sponsorships to bring all of them to the OpenStack Summit in Portland in April. If you are interested please contact Anne Gentle at For a few thousand dollars, we can learn from them as much as they are learning from us. A great opportunity for some great interns!
A few months ago, Mirantis engineers described the design of on-disk per-user encryption of objects in Swift. They released a first working prototype of this feature. It’s still very basic at the moment, but most of its components are pluggable and can be enhanced or replaced with more advanced versions. Code on Github.
Celebrating the first patches submitted this week by:
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